Acupuncture Treatment for Stroke Rehabilitation in Encino
Studies have shown acupuncture to be an effective treatment option for those who have recently suffered from a stroke.
Stroke is the third leading cause of death affecting nearly 800,000 Americans with a new or recurrent stroke each year, and is one of the main causes of adult disability and dependency. When a person suffers a stroke, the brain is unable to communicate to the part(s) of the body which have been affected. Acupuncture’s ability to restore circulation throughout the body enables and stimulates normal function. Acupuncture treatment for stroke rehabilitation is recommended to start almost immediately after suffering from a stroke, particularly if you are experiencing symptoms of hemipeagia, paralysis of one side of the body, aphasia – difficulty speaking and blindness.
The more time that perspires post stroke, the more likely the affected muscles are to fall asleep; The weaker your muscles become – the more difficult it is to build them back. Nerve flow should be triggered as soon as possible to prohibit these conditions, and for maximum recovery.
Acupuncture treatment can aid in promoting and enhancing blood flow to the brain, repair damaged brain cells and brain function.