Acupuncture for Treating Sinus Congestion in Encino

Acupuncture can be extremely effective in the immediate and long term relief of sinus congestion, and more serious illness’s related to sinusitis.

Acupuncture has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the body, which reduce inflammation and decrease pain simultaneously. Acupuncture uses meridian points to identify blocked pathways of energy in the body. Sinus congestion in particular is easy to identify on a physical level as blocked fluids or phlegm in the body, acupuncture treatment can effectively help to increase the movement of fluids in the body, thus breaking down congested areas or congested mucous.

Acupuncture can be effective in treating acute or chronic sinusitis, allergies or infection. Acupuncture is recommended if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Nasal Congestion
  • Sinus Headaches
  • Sinus Pressure
  • Sinus Pain
  • Difficulty Breathing through the Nose
  • Phlegm, Mucous or Runny Nose

Acupuncture releases natural endorphins, increases circulation, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the nerves in order to bring your flow of energy to a balance and your mind and body feeling better in return. While acupuncture is used to relieve congestion it can also simultaneously help with strengthening your immune system, thus making you less reactive in the future.

Depending on your condition our acupuncturist may recommend some Chinese herbs as part of your treatment. It is best to book a consult with our acupuncturist so your problems areas are properly identified. Please contact our reception to book your consult or for any additional questions. We look forward to seeing you in our Encino office!