
Here at Atlas Health Care Center, we specialize in assisting our patients who are experiencing headaches.

Nine out of ten Americans say that they suffer from headaches. Some of these people experience headaches frequently. Some experience constant headaches that are very painful. These can even make a person nauseous.

When most people get a pounding headache, they continue on with their day, lie down, or pop a pill and hope for the best. There is a better way!

Ninety-five percent of headaches are tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. These types of headaches are not caused from a disease, but from something in your body that is not sitting correctly.

Chiropractic care can assist you if you are experiencing headaches. We will be able to perform spinal manipulation or adjustments that improve spinal function and alleviate the stress of your system. We can provide nutritional advice and recommend a change in your diet to address what may be causing your headaches. We are also able to offer advice on your posture, take you through exercises, and show you relaxation techniques. These will assist you in relieving the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of your neck and upper back.

No one on our staff ever wants to see you in pain from headaches. That is why we are dedicated to helping you feel better. Our qualified and compassionate chiropractors will do everything that they can to get you back to how you felt prior to the headaches. We are also here to answer any questions that you may have along the way. No question is ever silly to us, and we never want you to feel confused when you leave our office.

If you are experiencing headaches, we are happy to help. Contact us today at (818) 995-4488.


Unfortunately, many people suffer from migraines. Migraines are throbbing headaches that are often presaged by fuzzy eyesight, sensitivity to light and sound, and even vomiting. Although migraines are linked to stress, many people have found going to the chiropractor has helped relieve their migraine problems immensely. Patients with migraine problems also typically have neck pain issues, a family history of migraines, and nasal congestion. Since migraines are not fun for anyone, it is no wonder so many people look for relief.

Chiropractic treatment has helped so many people get rid of their migraines, even for good! Prior to treatment, our educated and compassionate chiropractor will also take you through a physical exam to ensure that there are no other reasons behind your pain. After this, we start by trying sensitive trigger points in your lower neck and upper back muscles. By stimulating these areas, the migraine symptoms will actually start to go away. The success of this and the severity of your pain will determine what further treatment will be required. We will also go over your sleep patterns and overall health. Sometimes this plays a role in your migraine problems.

Our entire staff is always smiling and wanting to go the extra mile. We understand how migraines are not only painful but can also cause you to miss work and not enjoy your days. We work at not just addressing the migraine but actually fixing your body so that you never deal with this problem again. We are always here to answer your questions. No question is ever too silly for us. We want you to be healthy and will do whatever we can to assist you with this. The moment you enter our office, you will be greeted by our friendly receptionist. The entire time you are in our office, you will be in caring hands.

If you have any questions or suffer from migraines, contact us today at (818) 995-4488.