The DRX9000® is the Worlds Most Advanced Non-Surgical Treatment for Back and Neck Pain

The DRX9000® True Non-surgical spinal decompression® treatment for back pain has been designed to treat low back (lumbar) pain as well as neck (cervical) pain. The DRX9000® spinal decompression machine has been cleared by the FDA to treat herniated discs, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, and posterior facet syndrome. The DRX9000 is the only system available in its field to utilize a state-of-the-art servo motor; in doing so, the DRX9000® contains nested closed-loop feedback that ensures that the therapy stays true to each patient’s logarithmic spinal decompression treatment.

How DRX9000® decompression machine treatment works

DRX9000® system works on the injuries that happen due to nerve compression by applying equal amount of pressure on the vertebrate columns, by stretching the spine, this creates a gap in between the discs, and with improved flow of nutrients through both the vertebrate columns of spine the injuries heal slowly and steadily after regular DRX9000® decompression treatment sessions, as suggested by our experienced doctors.

How effective is the DRX9000 treatment

In published clinical studies nearly 9 out of 10 patients benefit from the DRX9000 treatment; in one particular published study conducted by medical doctors associated with the University of California, Stanford, Johns Hopkins and Georgetown, the DRX9000 spinal decompression helped in reducing back pain with a correlated in increasing disc height. You can find more about the benefits and effectiveness of DRX9000 treatment by checking the published studies and research papers provided in our research tab.